Stonefly Inn & Outfitters Profile
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Company Description
The Beaverhead and the Big Hole merge together to form the Jefferson River about five minutes from the Stonefly, in Twin Bridges, home to the RL Winston Fly Rod Company. At the confluence of the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Ruby and Jefferson Rivers, and only a short drive from the Madison, you will never be closer to some of the best fly fishing Montana can offer. To put it bluntly, this is some of the finest fly fishing water in the world. The diversity in the waters we fish sets our guides apart from some of the others you may have fished with in the Rocky Mountains. Having so many options each day, our guides don’t suffer from “the same river blues”. From long floats in a drift boat to stalking a spring creek, our guides have done it, and we can show almost any angler the type of fly fishing they have been searching for.
With this area lacking any major “tourist attractions”, we see fewer anglers on the rivers than some of the other western rivers of great fame. It is not uncommon to fish entire reaches of some of our public water, and only see a few other anglers, if any.
When is the best time to come? That depends on your preferences. With the vast amount of water available and mother natures habit of changing conditions – there are several different scenarios that we see on a regular basis. To ensure you make the most of your vacation, please give us a call at 406.684.5648, or cast us an email to and let us help you plan your trip.
Great hatches? We got ‘em.
Public access? Lots of it.
Blue Ribbon Water? More than you can fish.
Experienced Guides? You bet.
Great Food? You be the judge.
Comfortable Lodging? You have our word on it.