Echelon Cycle & Multisport Profile
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Company Description
Founded – 2008
Homebase – Sonoma County California, because it’s a great place to train
Interests – Swimming, Cycling, Running, Having fun while doing it
We’re Proud Of – Our broad high quality equipment selection, and the knowledge that we share to help you get the most out of it
Back Story:
Echelon Cycle & Multisport is based on the constant pursuit of efficiency, and improvement. Since opening in 2008, Echelon Cycle & Multisport has blossomed into a resource for road biking, mountain biking, and triathlon. We pride ourselves on being a hub for knowledge, advice, and quality training and racing equipment. Since we hate to buy things twice ourselves we employ programs like our saddle demo project, wetsuit rentals, and extended bicycle test rides to ensure that you’re getting the propper fit and the perfect equipment to get you to the next level in your athletic pursuits.